Why I Celebrate My Birthday Every Year – Olopoeyan


The Southwest leader of the New Nigerian People’s Party, Alhaji Abdul-Rosheed Adebisi Adeyemi Olopoeyan, has explained why his birthday is being celebrated every year.

Olopoeyan, who clocked 63 yesterday, August 15th, said his family, friends, associates, especially loyalists, have always waited for every 15th of August to celebrate him in a big way.

The NNPP leader, during a tete-a-tete with Westerndailynews reporter, Akindele Alabi, said he had never celebrated his birthday until he clocked 60th in 2021 when he threw a party, and since then, his family, friends, and loyalists had made it an annual party.

” Celebrating a birthday is a way of acknowledging the fact that someone is alive and well, but I am not used to celebrating my birthday. In 2021, when I clocked 60th, I decided to mark it, at least to appreciate God that I am attaining an older age, and since then, it has been every year, courtesy of my people.

” After celebrating my 60th, I planned to cook food and share with less privileged at 61st, but my family and loyalists took it up; they later made it an event, and it turned into a big party. The same was done when I was 62.

” This year, the plan was, I will slaughter a cow and share it and also cook a little rice for a few people but my people still brought up their plan. They made bigger arrangements.

” As they turned my birthday into a special event every year, I had no choice but to accept the honor they were giving to me. It usually made me happy too” Olopoeyan said.

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Iyawo Ramoni
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