Hon. Akinajo Joins Muslim Communities To Welcome The Month Of Blessings


The newly elected state assembly lawmaker to be representing Ibadan North East Constituency 1 in Oyo State for Oyo 9th Assembly, Hon. Olamide Olagoke Akinajo has joined the Muslim communities in welcoming this year month of Ramadan. Tasked Muslims across the globe to celebrate this month with much devotion and sincerity.

In a released statement made available to press as soon as the awaiting Moon was sighted in the evening of Sunday May 5 in Saudi Arabia, hon. Akinajo described Ramadan month as the holiest and most awaited Islamic holiday. Said the month is considered as one of the significant pillars of Islam.

The statement reads:

“Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters everywhere in the state, across Nigerian and around the world, am wishing all goodness for every Muslims on earth, and thanking the Almighty for making you and us all to witness another month of Ramadan on earth, may Almighty God accept our acts of obedience in it, and assist us during it.

As we all know, Ramadan is one of the most anticipated holidays in Muslim communities. This month is considered as the holiest month, marking the ninth month of Islamic calendar. Muslims around the world unite and observe fasting and reflection during this period.

Allah says in al-Baqarah, 2:183

” O ye who believe!
Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you,
that ye may (learn) self-restraint.”

Ramadan is one of the important pillars of Islam. Physically capable Muslims are obliged to observe fasting, in which they need to restrain from eating, drinking and thinking of malicious thoughts. They have to devote their time in praying, reading Quran and reflecting.

Ramadan is a time that should be used in worship, Ramadan is the Month of the Quran, Ramadan is Not the Month of Eating and Drinking.

As the crescent moon is sighted and the holy month of Ramadan begins… May Allah bless you with happiness and Grace your home with warmth and peace.

From the office of Ibadan North East Counstituency 1 honourable elect, am wishing Muslims communities around the world a success during the month of Ramadan, I’m wishing everyone 4 weeks of blessings, 30 days of clemency, and 720 hours of enlightenment.

Happy Ramadan

Hon OlamideAkinajo
Ibadan North East Constituency 1 Honourable Elect.
Oyo State.

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Iyawo Ramoni
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