Oyo Apc Commiserates With Victims Of Akesan Inferno, Advise Oyo Govt. To Be Proactive


The condolence message was contained in a released statement made available to newsmen in Ibadan on Sunday by the party state publicity secretary, Mr. AbdulAzeez Olatunde

Statement reads:


It’s very unfortunate that this is the same Governor Seyi Makinde who was always out to be counted as the lover and defender of the masses when he was in OPPOSITION whenever such natural disasters struck in the past that has now found it difficult to empathise and commiserate with the Victims of repeated INFERNO in the state.

It is terribly unfortunate that the INFERNO is following one another, from Ẹyin Grammar Molete Ibadan where three (3) kids were lost to the inferno on Friday 3rd of January 2020, to the Furniture stores around Iyaganku axis in Ibadan, which was razed down to rubble by the INFERNO and also another conflagrating INFERNO that razed AKESAN MARKET in Oyo town in early morning of Sunday 5th of January 2020, where Millions of Naira worth of Goods were lost to the INFERNO.

The most embarrassing aspect of the situation is that, this was how FLOOD ravaged Olodo community in LAGELU LG of Ibadan, where many lives were also lost in September 2019, yet with No word of empathy from Oyo State Government led by H.E, Engr Seyi Makinde.

When APC was advising the Government of Engr Seyi Makinde to focus on Governance, the hiatus of NO Harmattan sensitization are some of the areas crying for attention but which Oyo State Government FAILED WOEFULLY to be proactive about, but instead got itself preoccupied with their diabolical agenda of how to discredit its predecessor.

We would have expected the Government to role out repeated sensitization in all the media channels available in Oyo State, rolling out emergency OYO STATE FIRE SERVICES lines.

Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) has been commending Oyo State Government under H.E,Sen Abiola Ajimobi for many years because of his Government proactiveness in Dredging the Rivers across Oyo State before Raining Seasons and continuous and repeated announcements of dedicated FIRE SERVICES lines just before the Harmattan periods after having repeated restock of its CONSUMABLES, all of which have disappeared within months of exit of APC Government from power.

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches to be liked, leadership is defined by results” – Peter Drucker.

Finally, we urge H.E ,Engr Seyi Makinde to find a way of giving palliative to the victims of the INFERNO through Oyo State Emergency Relief Management Agency (OYSEMA) and also henceforth provide for the CONSUMABLES needs by Oyo State Fire Services, to be effective in their obligatory duties.

Also sensitization advertorial should be rolled out and placed across all the Media channels in Oyo State to salvage the rest of the Harmattan Season and forestall further occurrence.


AbdulAzeez Olatunde
Publicity Secretary
5th January 2020


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