Over 10,000 Oyo Residents Benefit From Adelabu’s Rice (Photos)


The Minister of Power, Chief Adebayo Adelabu on Saturday distributed over 10,000 bags of rice to residents of Oyo State.

The food palliative according to him was part of the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s federal government-led administration.

Beneficiaries of the palliative include Muslim Community, Christian Associations of Nigeria CAN) Oyo state chapter Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), NASFAT, Tijaniyah, Mogaji’s in Ibadanland, market association, All Radio Stations in Oyo state, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Oyo State Chapter, Nigeria Union of Journalist (NUJ), Nigeria Union of Teachers, Oyo State Council, TAMPAN, National Youth Council, CIVECU, professional body and students among others.

Speaking in Ibadan while handling the rice to people, Adelabu stated that the rice was from Tinubu to alleviate the suffering of people and improve their standard of living.

He said President Tinubu is aware of the suffering of Nigerians and has assured that the hardship is temporary, sayinNigeriansan will continue to enjoy the d dividends of his administration.

He said, “President Tinubu has decided to give a share in Oyo State, The thpalliativeve has no politicacolorationon but in furtherance of good governance.

“We will ensure the distribution is transparent and cut across every religious association, Traditional association, ethnic association, and resident of the state, that is why we decided to make it open.

“I want targeted people to continue to support Tinubu administration, all we need from you is your continued prayers for God to guide us and ensure we take you to the o desired destination.

“This is phase one of the food security as part of the renewed hope agenda of Tinubu, we shall be witnessing the distribution regularly, and as far as we get this thing from Abuja, we shall not hoard it distribute it.”

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Sarafa Alli
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