Easter: Makinde’s S.A, Bibire Urges Christians To Strengthen Commitment To God



Special Adviser to Oyo state governor on local government and chieftaincy matters, Hon. Adeniyi Adeyinka Bibire has urged christians faithfuls to use the lessons derived from the 40-day Lent to become stronger in the way of God.

Bibire in is message to celebrate Easter Sunday with christians said the period is a symbol of hope, restoration and sacrificial Love.

According the Bibire, ” I join all indigene and residents of our State this Easter season to once again thank and worship God for the redemption of our Soul, the manifestation of His Divine grace and the gift of Eternal Life through the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour; Jesus Christ.

Two thousand and one years ago, the powers of the day sentenced a sinless, innocent and itinerant preacher, who went about doing good for humanity to death on the Cross.
Roman Soldiers cruelly executed the death sentence. Though,he had the power to deliver himself.

God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, went through these humiliation for our sake.
This ordeal was captured centuries earlier by prophet Isaiah, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth

Because He had the power to lay down His life and resurrect three days after, the grave and death could not hold him captive, He rose to die no more.

Easter, therefore, is a symbol of Hope, Restoration and Sacrificial Love.
It is a refreshing reminder that you can put truth in the grave, but you cannot keep it there forever.

It is a Season of Celebration of purest kind of love and Sacrifice.
John 3:16 says “For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

These inspiring lessons make Easter the most important event in the Christian faith.
It provide us with vital lessons on “Sacrifice and Love. And the need to place the common good above common greed.
We can and should use this season to heal ourselves of all selfish instincts, spirit of division and rabid ethnicity.

My dear Christian and Muslim Family, I urge you to use this season to strengthen our shared commitment to our God, dear State and our Community. Let us spare a moment in this blessed season of hope to pray for our State, our Nation and the World.

Let me also remind us that the essence of Easter would be lost except we allow the Resurrection of Christ to illuminate the dark crevices of our soul and let His light shine through us via Sacrificial Love we show to our Neighbours.

I wish good People of Oyo state a blessed and happy Easter Celebration.
God bless Oyo State. ẸMÍ ÁSE ỌPỌLỌPỌ RẸ LAYÈ.”

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Iyawo Ramoni
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