No Doctor Died Of COVID 19 In UCH, Hospital Debunks Fatalities Among Doctors


The University College Hospital, UCH, says claims that 17 doctors have died of Covid-19 related diseases is false.

This is contained in a Statement by the Public Relation Officer of the institution, Toye Akinrinlola.

It describes a news item credited to the President of UCH branch of the National Association of Resident Doctors, NARD, claiming 17 Covid-19 related fatalities among doctors in UCH as fictitious.



No Doctor has died of COVID 19 in UCH. 

The attention of the management of the University College Hospital, Ibadan has been drawn to a news item credited to the President of the UCH Branch Association of Resident Doctors purportedly claiming that 17 doctors have died of COVID-19 related diseases.

The management has viewed the said publication as complete falsehood and absolutely reckless on the part of the ARD President. Though he has denied that he didn’t grant any press interview in that regard, we see the publication as malicious and it is rejected in all ramifications. 

For the avoidance of doubts, quite a number of members of staff of the Hospital contracted the COVID-19, but it is also proper to state that since the members of staff live within the society, they remain as vulnerable as any member of the society. 

The Hospital has taken very seriously issue of staff welfare, especially the frontline health workers by providing adequate personal protective 

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equipments for them, while we also observe all COVID 19 protocols as laid

by the Nigeria, Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).”

We hereby state in clear terms that the UCH has not lost any doctor to COVID 19 and , unfortunately, we  lost two member of staff who were not health workers to COVID-19 related diseases.

We sincerely appeal to the members of the Press to properly cross check reports from the relevant sources in the hospital before publishing any reports about us.

Again, we appeal to the public to be patient with the hospital while the renovation of the hospital is ongoing, and that we shall serve the public better after the renovation. 

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