Grassroot Mobilizers For Buhari (GMB) Dumps Buhari Switched Allegiance To Atiku Abubakar, Lists Grievances Against Ruling Party


Members of the Grassroots Mobilisation for Buhari yesterday announced their defection to the Peoples Democratic Party from the All Progressives Congress (APC) in support of the opposition’s presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar.

The support group members while announcing their defection said the APC-led administration had failed on the promises made to Nigerians before the 2015 general elections.

Speaking at a press briefing in Abuja, the national coordinator for the Grassroots Mobilisation for Buhari, Yusuf Ardo, said the group had toured Nigeria and campaigned for the emergence of the APC in the 2015 general elections.

Westerndailynews was able to get a comprehensive press release of the group.



I am delighted to stand here today on behalf of my colleagues, Grassroots Mobilizers for Buhari (GMB) is a political pressure group that was registered in 2015 with the relevant government agency, with National, Zonal, States, Local Government Areas, Wards and Polling Units leadership with over 5 million registered members across Nigeria that mobilized Nigerians, especially the Youth, Rural dwellers, Transport Workers, Tricycle operators, Okada operators, Markets Men and Women groups, Ethnic and Religious Associations, Traditional and Title Holders, Local Musicians through organization of Town Hall meetings, community by community to sensitize people at the grassroots for the actualization of General Muhammadu Buhari’s, Presidential aspiration in 2015.

We toured the country and campaigned for the emergence of the current APC led Federal government. This Forum coordinated all support groups for APC and championed Grassroots Mobilizations of Nigerians.

Sequel to the foregoing, we are sad, that the government we put in place has failed and continues to fail our people; we cannot continue to reinforce failures.

How can we have a Federal Cabinet without even one single youth? A government that does not take the youths into account is a dying government; the future belongs to us the young people.

Today, our country is faced with legions of challenges, our economy that was the fastest-growing in Africa has gone comatose under the present government that has shown unprepared and completely clueless.

In the area of security challenges which the APC led Government leveraged on in 2015 to take over power, despite its claims of a technical defeat, Nigerians are attacked and killed by unknown gunmen daily, while kidnapping is now on the rise, farmlands are being destroyed and abandoned across the country.

Most worrisome is the fact that our country is now more divided and acrimonious than ever before, with the unity of the country being threatened due to nepotism and religious bigotry.

Unemployment has risen to an alarming level, instead of creating three million jobs per year as promised during 2015 campaigns; millions of jobs are being lost quarterly, with many companies folding up.

Today we are pleased to inform the whole world that in our plan to officially renounce our membership of GMB and APC, few weeks ago we were harassed, intimidated and reported to the Inspector General of Police by some Unscrupulous element in the confused APC, today as I speak to you now, we have directed our legal team to file a suite in the federal High court on our fundamental human rights.

We acknowledge His Excellency Alhaji Atiku Abubakar GCON, have been part of Nigeria’s leadership dialogue and struggle for long, you have worked with great men of ideas and substance who have led this country since inception and have the rare benefit of knowing how Nigeria functioned and know the best options before us and the hard choices we have to make to “get Nigeria work again.”

We believe Nigeria under Atiku, our economy will be revived and returned to the part of progress that it was before we had the misfortune of having these clueless people in power. We strongly believe that Atiku will ensure diversification of the economy through Agriculture, adequate supply of power, massive industrialization, thereby creating employment for our teaming youths.

With Atiku as President come 2019, Nigerians can be assured of a government that will be responsible to our needs, as Nigerians are guaranteed a Federal Government that will relates with all, not on the basis of ethnicity, religious, political affiliations, or percentage of votes but on “Equity as citizens of One Nation, One People and One Destiny.”

Our justice system will be such that Judges will not be molested and the common people of this country should see our courts as truly their last hope, while our security system should make all Nigerians feel safe living in their own country, as the fight against corruption will not be selective but total.

Gentlemen of the press, we have come today having consulted widely with our constituents, across Nigeria to support Atiku Abubakar’s aspirations come 2019 and to formerly renounce our membership of Grassroots Mobilizers for Buhari (GMB) and APC, to be henceforth addressed as Grassroots Mobilizers for Atiku and Obi PDP in this press conference.

Gentlemen of the press, youths have suffered marginalization and deliberate impoverishment and there is nowhere to run to to receive succor until now that God has opened our eyes to see Atiku clearly as one of us that is ready to wipe away fears and tears of this generation and the generation yet unborn.

Our predicaments and future of the youths in Nigeria is highly threatened that is why we have resolved one Hundred percent (100%) to support His Excellency Atiku Abubakar GCON, come 2019 for our large interest in this country.

We need Atiku’s helping hands to liberate our people from the present situation we have sadly found ourselves.

Once more let me congratulate, our emancipator, Alh. Atiku Abubakar, GCON, our President in – Waiting come 2019 as Nigerians have decided.

Let’s Get Nigeria Working Again!!!

Thank you and God bless.

Signed: ____________


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