Akeugbagold’s Online Media Officer Masterminds The Twins Kidnapp


Sheikh Taofeek Akeugbagold has revealed one Mr. Oyeyemi Ibrahim as the Judas with him, who masterminded the kidnapping of his twins.

After the arrest of the kidnappers, Akeugbagold via his Facebook uploaded the photograph of Oyeyemi Ibrahim as the main man who liaised with the kidnappers to carried out the evil act.

” Alhamdulillah ! Allah has bear me witness that i worship Him only.This is Opeyemi ibraheem Agbenuso odo a casual worker under me who is handling social media aspects of my Ramadan lecture.

” He was the BETRAYAL who organised and masterminded the Kidnapping. He so much warmed himself into my heart that till 3days ago we do break fast together on the same plate,him only. I believe he’s full of wisdom and i penciled him down for HAJJ 2020 with promise to finance his wedding 100% in December. Is it a crime to be nice to an highly talented but jobless young man ? He’s to collect #100k for handling my Ramadan lecture social media apart from data, he has collected 25% apart from daily gift. Alhamdulillah for everything.

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Iyawo Ramoni
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